After 5 years of teaching in California, 2 years back in Pennsylvania to complete a masters program at SRU and spend time with family, I'm ready for the next chapter in my life as an Alaskan Bush teacher. It's something I've often thought about and the opportunity presented itself at a good time with a great school district. I plan to write about my experiences and post pictures as often as I can to stay connected to family and friends....Life as an Alaskan Bush teacher began on 8/4/09 in Anchorage. After a 16 hr day of planes and airports, I met the superintendent and a few other new teachers at the airport and headed to the "Anchorage" house where we stayed for the next couple of days. We all joked that it felt like the real world only with a group of educators. Five of us are from PA, near Pittsburgh, so lots of black & gold headed to the bush! The school district did a wonderful job with new teacher inservice. They provided us a house, meals, vans, workshops, and veteran teachers who helped us with shopping, DMV, and all the logistics that go with preparing to spend 9 months living and teaching in a remote village on the Alaskan Peninsula.

The endless packing of tubs... I'll be happy not to see a Sam's Club or Walmart for quite a while!

Looks more like a refugee camp!

My first moose sighting in Anchorage, not the best shot, but didn't want to get too close.

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